Sunday, May 10, 2020

Essay On Bullying In Schools - 1825 Words

Bullying is no laughing matter and the fact that some people do not take it seriously is really depressing. It’s a real-world issue that needs to be dealt with. According to Jeremy Side and Kelley Johnson (2014), â€Å"Bullying in schools is an issue which, in spite of a strong body of research literature, and government guidance designed to reduce bullying, continues to affect an estimated 50-80% of young people† (p. 217). Side and Johnson believe that people who seem most affected by the situation are younger students who attend schools today. The authors then explain how there are children every year who commit suicide from being bullied. This evidence is relevant, because it provides more exposure as to why bullying is such a serious deal†¦show more content†¦For this solution to work, different people need to be involved with this such as the principal, the parents of that child, and the teacher that that child had. This problem will be easier to manage if the child that is being bullied, provided some sort of evidence for the teacher so that the principal knows that the teacher is not making up the situation. For this solution to happen, there needs to be a meeting between the principal and the child’s parents so that everyone can come to an agreement for their child to be put in a support group. From there, the principal will discuss with the child’s parents that if their child continues to repeat this same behavior towards another student then they will have to be taken to an alternative school. Support groups could be an option but it would not have to be required unless the parents want to consider it for their child. In Horne, Stoddard, and Bell’s (2007) view, â€Å"Counseling groups are more frequently offered in schools for targeted interventions in order to provide small group experiences for bullies, victims, and others experiencing more delineated problems with the behavior† (pg. 268). The authors then state that students learn different techniques to control their aggressive behavior while they are in their groups. This evidence is relevant because it explains what these groups consist of and how they will be effective in helping students.Show MoreRelatedBullying In Schools Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesBullying in Schools Bullying is the act of using superior strength to intimidate someone, typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying is in every school at every age level for variety of different reasons. A bully can be in many different forms and can be angry and looking for revenge for many different reasons, but two specific groups of people could work together to put an end to this abusive, hostile, and cruel thing that is bullying. These two different groups are the parentsRead MoreEssay on Bullying in School836 Words   |  4 Pagesof a gang. And so at the tender age of 14 he was already a part of the ‘Iggypura’. Good morning to you all. I want to tell you about bullying little children in school. Bullying can have a far worse outcome on the student than we could ever imagine. According to Time magazine, approximately 47% of sixth graders admitted to being bullied at least once in five school days. 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